Help build differentiated, high-value competitive advantage

Rounding pays attention to the feeling and experience of every touch point in the service process, and continuously optimizes the service level and awareness based on external feedback.


From satisfaction to experience, from product focus to customer focus.


From focus on the result to focus on the process, pay attention to satisfaction management during process of customer purchasing and usage.


Pay attention to scientific management, based on external feedback data, through management tools and management system to continuously evaluate and optimize service level and quality.


Continuously pay attention to customer satisfaction and experience, and continue to optimize service.

Services and service reports

Rounding Turing SLA-I Gold medal service

Rounding Turing SLA-II Platinum service

* Service operation and maintenance reports are sent to the designated personnel of the hotel on a quarterly basis

Customer experience is not only at the heart of products and services but also reshaping the relationship between brands and customers

Coordinate the internal and external systems of the company, and review the problems existing in the work of relevant departments through the feedback information; Propose solutions to identified problems and implement them after feasibility assessment. To finally achieve the goal of improving the overall quality level of each link of the company.